Here is some information about camping on the GPT.
- All camps must be pre-booked with Parks Victoria
- There are 11 dedicated GPT Hikers’ Camps
- There is no camp in Halls Gap so you’ll need to arrange your own camping or accommodation. Our advice is to stay in Halls Gap for 2 nights to allow for a rest day, re-stocking, showering etc. You’ll also find it much easier to get a 2 night rather than 1 night booking.
- All camps have a water tank but Parks Victoria doesn’t guarantee there will be water available. We recommend you top up at streams and at water tanks located where the GPT crosses roads. These are clearly shown on maps in the Grampians Walks book.
- There are communal shelter huts at some of the camps, BUT NOT ALL
- Those that don’t have huts have outdoor tables and benches along with a wooden fence structure that is designed to block wind. Alas, some have been installed on the sheltered side!
- The majority of the camps are located in exposed places that can become cold and windy – come prepared, especially to secure your tent
- Most of the camps have timber platforms to pitch your tent on. However, there are some that only have sandy platforms. You’ll need extra cord and wide pegs.
- All camps have long drop toilets – BYO toilet paper
- Bring your own USB cable to charge your phone – all camps have charging points in the communal shelter or at the toilets (where there is no shelter)
Our book, Grampians Walks, provides full details on camping on the GPT.

Tick off the GPT sections as you go
In Grampians Walks you will find a check list that you can tick as you complete each section of the track. Once you have completed the entire trail, email us and we will add you to our “End-to-Enders” page.